Roe deer hunting
Roe deer is a forest animal and our smallest member of the deer family (Cervidae). An adult specimen weighs 15–35 kilograms. In terms of lifestyle and behavior, it is a timid, mostly diurnal animal that is more active in the early morning hours and in the late
afternoon/in the evening. As a ruminant, they are very active. They feed seven to eight times a day so it is not uncommon for a deer to appear at noon.
Male roe deer:
16/04 to 30/09
Female roe deer and fawns:
01/09 to 31/01
• Spot hunting from a hunting watchtower
• Stalking (pirsch)
• Luring during the mating season
In the summer, hunting takes place in the morning (from 5am to 8am) and in the evening (from 6pm to 9pm). During the mating season, deer are hunted throughout the day with luring, which requires a lot of experience, patience, and practice. It is probably the most demanding and interesting way to hunt a deer.
Shooting a mature or an old high-trophy specimen is much more difficult than hunting young and inexperienced ones, so the customer has to count on multiple outings.
A large number of trophy animals has been attained in the history of our hunting ground. The champion of the hunting ground prides itself on a CIC score of 164.50.
Our professional team of hunters prepares the hunt for our clients by visiting the hunting ground daily and observing the game. The necessary equipment for deer hunting is a hunting rifle with a rifle scope, a shooting stick, binoculars for observing, and a hunting knife.
Roe deer are hunted with a small-caliber drawn rifle (at least 222 Remington allowed). You can also rent all the above equipment at our hunting ground.
Roe deer (Capreolus Capreolus) is a forest animal and our smallest member of the deer family (Cervidae). An adult specimen weighs 15–35 kilograms. In terms of lifestyle and behavior, it is a timid, mostly diurnal animal that is more active in the early morning hours and in the late afternoon/in the evening. As a ruminant, they are very active. They feed seven to eight times a day so it is not uncommon for a deer to appear at noon.
The roe deer is a solitary animal, only joining in herds in late autumn and staying together until spring. Roe deer do not engage in large-scale seasonal migrations since they live permanently in a certain smaller area, about 2 square kilometers in size, which they form in the spring. In the spring (March), roe deer will mark their territory by scratching the ground.